Posted on October 2, 2023 16:31 by matan

Understanding the 5 Lever Mortice Deadlock: A Complete Guide

Have you ever stood before your front door, key in hand, and wondered about the hidden mechanics that let you secure your home with a simple turn of the wrist? It's a remarkable accomplishment when you consider it.

The heart of this magic lies in a nifty device known as the 5 lever mortice deadlock. This unassuming piece of engineering might seem commonplace but is actually a guardian standing watch over our homes. As common as wooden doors or brass handles yet carrying an intricate world within itself.

Intrigued? Excellent! Because we're going on a journey to explore this tiny titan and its big role in keeping us safe - dispelling myths, comparing types like sash locks and deadlocks, understanding British Standards for maximum security and even delving into installation processes. Ready to unlock some knowledge?

Table Of Contents:

Understanding 5 Lever Mortice Deadlocks

Beneath the seemingly simple surface of door locks lies a complex world. Take, for example, the 5 lever mortice deadlock - a secure and reliable option that has become popular in both residential and commercial settings. But what exactly are these locks, how do they work, and why should you consider them?

What is a Lever Mortice Deadlock?

A 5 lever mortice deadlock is essentially a lock mechanism fitted inside your door. It's operated by a key from either side with five levers driving its bolt into the strike plate on the frame.

This makes it harder to pick or bypass compared to simpler alternatives – hence their popularity among those seeking high security for external doors.

Morticing means embedding something into an object so it becomes part of that object itself – like how this type of lock integrates within your door instead of merely attaching onto it. There are currently 86 deadlocks available in this category catering to various backset sizes ranging from 32mm up to as much as 150mm.

The Role of British Standard in Ensuring Security

In addition to basic design principles ensuring safety through complexity, many users also look towards standards such as British Standards (BS) when considering these types of locks. BS-approved models have undergone rigorous testing procedures confirming their durability under extreme conditions including attacks via drilling or picking attempts.

If you're keen on boosting home security levels even further while complying with insurance requirements too then opting for an ERA Fortress BS could be just what you need. As per company terms notwithstanding clause 1.1 ERA Fortress stands out amongst other brands offering high-security mortices due not only to their BS3621:2007 certification but also for the solid reputation they've earned over years in the security industry.

We've dived into what a 5 lever mortice deadlock is and its main characteristics. Let's clear up some potential confusion. Lots of folks wrongly think these locks are complex.

Key Takeaway: 

Unlock the world of door locks with the 5 lever mortice deadlock - a secure choice that's popular in homes and businesses. This lock, fitted inside your door, offers high security by being harder to pick or bypass. Look for British Standards-approved models like ERA Fortress BS for added assurance and compatibility with insurance requirements.

Types and Features of Mortice Locks

If you're looking to bolster your home security, understanding the different types of mortice locks can be quite beneficial. These locks are a popular choice for external doors due to their robustness and reliability.

Exploring Different Types of Mortice Locks

The most common types include lever mortice deadlocks and sashlocks. A deadlock only has a keyhole, whereas a sashlock, apart from the keyhole, also includes a latch operated by handles.

Lever mortice locks come in several variations with differing numbers of levers. The number often determines how secure they are - more levers typically mean higher security. For instance, 5 lever mortice deadlocks provide better protection against lock picking or snapping than those with fewer levers.

You might ask: What about high-security options? Well, companies like ERA offer 'British Standard' models that comply with strict regulations laid out by insurance companies for maximum safety assurance.

Distinguishing Features & Options Available

Mortice locks have various features tailored towards specific needs and door types. One such feature is 'keyed alike', which lets all the locks in your property open using one key - quite handy if you dislike carrying around bulky bunches.

'Insurance approved' is another notable attribute – these models meet stringent requirements set forth by insurers providing peace-of-mind knowing that they'll stand up under pressure when needed most.

Safety isn't compromised even during times when we forget our keys. Models equipped with an 'auto-deadlocking' function automatically engage the bolt once the door shuts, making sure it's always locked from the outside.

As for aesthetics and fit, mortice locks offer options like horizontal cases or narrow cases to match different door styles. Furthermore, if your external doors are double-leafed or rebated, fret not. There are 'rebated' lock models specifically designed for such situations.

In a Nutshell

Wrapping it up, we've got a bunch of features at your disposal - from keyed alike systems and insurance-approved mechanisms to auto-deadlocking functionality. Plus, there's more stuff to think about.

Key Takeaway: 

Getting the lowdown on mortice locks can really ramp up your home's security. You'll find various kinds like lever deadlocks and sashlocks, but it's those 5-lever beauties that give you an edge against lock picking. Top brands like ERA even roll out 'British Standard' models for that added peace of mind. Plus, they come with neat features such as being 'keyed alike', approved by insurance companies, and sporting an auto-locking mechanism.

Specifications & Brands Offering 5 Lever Mortice Deadlocks

The world of door locks is vast, but when it comes to high security and reliability, nothing beats a good old-fashioned 5 lever mortice deadlock. These locks are designed with precision engineering in mind and come with various forend finish options. You can pick from gold, shining brass, satin chrome, silver or stainless steel finishes as per your preference.

Key Features & Specifications of 5 Lever Mortice Deadlocks

Apart from their sturdy build and design that offers maximum security for external doors, these deadlocks boast some key features that set them apart. The intricate five-lever system enhances the lock's complexity making it resistant against common methods like lock picking or snapping. Also known as Legge-type, these locks also feature bolt projection which ensures an effective deadlock mechanism.

Beyond this specification lies the assurance of quality brought by compliance with British Standards - a certification given only to those products meeting rigorous safety requirements. For instance, our ERA Fortress BS range adheres strictly to such standards assuring you get value for your money alongside top-notch security.

Different Brands Providing High-Security Door Locks

You may ask "What brands should I consider while looking at 5 lever mortice deadlocks?" Here we have multiple industry-leading brands including Asec, ERA - well recognized for its ERA Fortress BS series, Legge offering durable wooden door solutions along with SecureFast presenting insurance approved models suitable even for commercial use. Union is another renowned brand offering sashlock variants whereas Willenhall caters specifically to the needs of extra secure mortice locks.

One can't forget Yale - a pioneer in the security industry with their robust range of door locks, including the high-security Yale B-M552, offering brass finish and even satin stainless steel variants for those preferring an ultra-modern aesthetic.

To sum it up, these brands offer an extensive range of 5 lever mortice deadlocks that come packed with various features designed to enhance your home's security. So next time you think about replacing or upgrading your front door lock, don’t overlook these power-packed performers.

Key Takeaway: 

Five-lever mortice deadlocks are top-drawer when it comes to security, courtesy of their complex design and adherence to British Standards. Brands such as Asec, ERA, Legge, SecureFast, Union and Yale offer a diverse selection of these sturdy locks in different finishes. So keep this in mind - if you're thinking about upgrading or swapping out your front door lock - don't forget the

Comparing Different Brands of 5 Lever Mortice Deadlocks

The market for 5 lever mortice deadlocks is rich with options, but let's not dawdle in uncertainty. We're here to shed some light on how different brands stack up against each other.

It can be difficult to pick the right brand when considering a variety of prices from £0 to £499. Fear not though, we've got it sorted. But don't worry - we've got this covered. Let's start by comparing two well-known brands: Union and Willenhall.

Diving into Union vs Willenhall

In one corner, we have Union locks that are widely recognised for their reliability and sturdy build quality. Though pricier than other alternatives, Union locks are widely recognised for their reliability and sturdy build quality.

In the opposing corner stands Willenhall - known for offering value-for-money solutions without skimping on security features. However, some users might argue about its overall durability compared to higher-end models.

Moving Towards More Options

Beyond these two giants in door lock manufacturing industry exist several worthy contenders like Asec and ERA among others; all aiming to offer top-notch safety while staying within budget-friendly bounds.

A common feature across most high-security door locks offered by various manufacturers is their compliance with British Standard (BS). So whether you choose an ERA Fortress BS or any other model complying with this standard assures superior protection levels coupled with impressive bolt projection capabilities.

Analyzing Customer Feedbacks & Ratings:

No analysis would be complete without taking into account customer reviews and ratings. For example, the Yale B-M552 has garnered quite a following for its robustness and high-security features despite being on the pricier side.

On the other hand, users of ERA Viscount appreciate it for its affordability without compromising too much on security. It’s always crucial to keep in mind that no lock is foolproof but investing in one with maximum security features can be a deterrent against most common burglary techniques such as lock picking or snapping.

Key Takeaway: 

There's a ton of brands when you're in the market for a 5 lever mortice deadlock. Union locks are solid and dependable, but they might dig into your wallet a bit more. Willenhall is great if you want bang for your buck, offering decent security features - although their durability can be hit or miss. If you're after top-notch safety without breaking the bank, consider Asec and ERA too. Just make sure to double-check that your pick ticks all the right boxes.

Installation Process & Maintenance Tips for 5 Lever Mortice Deadlocks

Fitting a 5 lever mortice deadlock can seem daunting, but with the right tools and some patience, you'll have it installed in no time. To start off, make sure your door is suitable - these locks work best on wooden doors.

Selecting Your Lock

Prior to installation, you need to select a lock that suits your needs. A variety of brands offer ERA Fortress BS or Yale B-M552 deadlocks among others. These provide high security due to their design features like bolt projection and hardened steel plates which resist lock picking and snapping attempts.

The Installation Process

To install your chosen lock properly requires careful measurement. Use a tape measure to get precise measurements; this will ensure correct positioning of the keyhole and handle on both sides of the door.

  • Start by marking out where you want the deadlock mechanism positioned within the door – remember it must be horizontally level.
  • Carefully drill into your marked area making sure not go too deep – we're looking at around 40mm-100mm+ case depth depending on model specifications.

In addition to fitting locks onto wooden doors, they can also fit into different types of external doors if required giving an extra layer of security against break-ins. After installing all parts including keys inside cylinder assembly according manufacturer's instructions provided along packaging materials should give smooth operation each time turn key whether locking unlocking process taking place.

Maintenance Tips For Longevity Of The Locks

A good quality brass finish or satin stainless steel provides excellent resistance against rust and other weather conditions. But even then, regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity of your lock.

One key aspect in maintaining a 5 lever mortice deadlock is lubrication. Regularly apply an appropriate non-greasy lubricant to all moving parts within the lock mechanism – this ensures smooth operation and reduces wear over time.

Examine the lock for any indications of harm or deterioration. If things seem off, like keys being tough to turn or latches feeling stiff, it could be a sign.

Key Takeaway: 

Setting up a 5 lever mortice deadlock may feel like a challenge, but with some patience and the right gear, you can nail it. Pick an appropriate lock that fits your needs - top-notch brands such as ERA Fortress BS or Yale B-M552 are worth considering. Make sure to get accurate measurements for the keyhole and handle's placement on both door sides. And don't forget. Regularly oiling all moving parts will ensure they operate smoothly.

Enhancing Security with High-Security Mortice Door Locks

Mortice door locks, particularly the 5 lever mortice deadlocks, have proven to be a game changer in home security. They provide an extra layer of protection that's hard to breach even for seasoned burglars.

Maximising Security with High-Security Mortice Door Locks

The beauty of these high-security door locks lies in their design and mechanism. For instance, Yale's B-M552 model is designed not only to resist lock picking but also withstand aggressive forms of attack such as drilling or sawing due to its hardened steel construction.

These locks are available both in left and right-handed options catering for different types of doors and user preferences. So whether you're securing your front wooden door or other external doors around your property, there’s a suitable option waiting for you.

An additional feature worth noting about these mortice deadlocks is their bolt projection capability, which provides an added level of strength against forced entry attempts.

Achieving Maximum Safety through Lever Mortice Deadlock Features

In order to maximise the potential benefits offered by high-security mortices like the ERA Fortress BS models or PM562 High Security variants, it’s important we understand some key features they bring along. These include multiple point locking systems offering maximum security against any form of intrusion - making them insurance company favourites.

Lever sashlocks serve dual functions, acting as both a doorknob and lock at once, whereas lever deadlocks need a separate handle operation, giving users more control over when they wish it locked - perfect for those who appreciate having this flexibility on internal doors too. But remember folks: always use British Standard compliant ones because these are the locks that have been thoroughly tested against all possible break-in methods.

Furthermore, you'll find options available with a brass finish or satin stainless steel. So not only do they offer robust security, but they also enhance your door's aesthetics.

Making Smart Choices

Wrapping up, if you're truly committed to ramping up your property's security and crave more than just an ordinary door lock - well, it's

Key Takeaway: 

Boost your home's safety with 5 lever mortice deadlocks. They're tough to crack, and their unique design makes them perfect for different door types. Models like Yale's B-M552 or ERA Fortress BS resist picking and brute force attacks. And remember - choose British Standard compliant locks for proven security.

FAQs in Relation to 5 Lever Mortice Deadlock

What is a mortice deadlock with 5 levers?

A 5 lever mortice deadlock is a secure type of lock embedded within the door. It uses five levers to activate the locking mechanism, offering enhanced security.

How secure is a 5 lever mortice deadlock?

Absolutely, it's pretty safe. A 5 lever mortice deadlock provides superior protection because it's tough to pick due to its complex internal structure and British Standard compliance.

What is the difference between a mortice lock and a deadlock?

Mortice locks are fitted into doors while deadlocks only have keyholes on one side. Deadlocks add an extra layer of safety as they're harder for burglars to open from inside if they break in through another entry point.

How do you identify a 5 lever mortice lock from the key?

You can tell by examining your key closely - keys for these types of locks typically feature intricate grooves and notches that correspond with each individual lever inside the lock itself.


So, you've now journeyed into the intricate world of a 5 lever mortice deadlock. Quite an adventure, right?

You've debunked myths and misunderstandings about these door locks - they're not just regular bolts but high-security protectors for your home.

From understanding the importance of British Standards to comparing sashlocks with deadlocks, we hope you have gained some insight. The difference in functionality is key to choosing what suits best for your needs.

It's all about security when it comes down to brass tacks (or should we say hardened steel?). With lock picking and snapping addressed, rest easy knowing that this mighty titan stands guard over our homes day and night!

Your next step? Get ready to tackle installation or maybe even explore other brands like ERA Fortress BS for extra security options. Because knowledge isn't just power – it’s peace of mind too!